Funding Opportunities
Each year CFAH faculty meet with the CFAH stakeholders, representatives from the commodities, Extension, professional organizations and regulatory agencies. The Stakeholders identify key issues and diseases of importance to their constituents and they assist CFAH leadership in setting Priority Issues to consider for future funding.
Proposal Timelines
The annual CFAH Stakeholders meeting is held late January to Early February.
There are two annual calls:
Hatch/Multi State/Bovine Abortion Call - released in spring following the Stakeholder Meeting
Animal Health Formula Funds and Dairy Herd Health & Food Safety (DHHFS) Call - released in summer
Fund Allocations and Project Notices:
CFAH receives the Preliminary Allocation Notification from USDA/NIFA between November and May of the same fiscal year funds are required to be spent. For example, for the 21-22 Hatch/Multi State/Bovine Abortion and Formula Fund calls, we will receive the preliminary notification between November 2021 and May 2022 from USDA/NIFA. It is the policy of CFAH to allocate 75% of the preliminary funding amount when the preliminary notice is received.
The Final Notification is usually received in May of the same fiscal year funds are required to be spent. For example, for the 21-22 Hatch/Multi State/Bovine Abortion and Formula Fund calls, we will receive the final funding notification in May 2022, and if funding is not reduced from the preliminary amount, the remaining 25% will be allocated to the next highest ranking proposal(s). If you are able to work around this restriction, we encourage you to apply.