Programmatic Needs and Objectives

Programmatic Needs and Objectives

Emerging issues facing agriculture, food, and the environment signal a need for constantly evolving research directions, experts, and expertise to address new challenges. Agriculture is now global and the important role that California and the nation play in expanding world markets cannot be overstated. The quality of food products for U.S. citizens must also be maintained and California’s current production systems need to be maintained and protected from emerging threats brought about through increased globalization of food production systems.


  • Address animal, public, and environmental health needs related to food animal agriculture in California
  • Address diseases in California livestock production and provide for the well-being of production livestock
  • Establish monitoring and surveillance systems to identify and manage exotic pests
  • Develop and implement integrated monitoring and surveillance systems for reducing the risks of acquiring food-borne illnesses
  • Develop waste management systems for environmentally safe animal production systems
  • Assist livestock producers in meeting international standards for trade
  • Determine the underlying mechanisms of disease and host protection
  • Develop better diagnostic tests for agent detection and methods for disease prevention and resolution
  • Establish methods to characterize, manage, and reduce the risks associated with chemical and microbial problems (including antimicrobial resistance) affecting livestock/food and the environment
  • Address microbial and animal genomics and their impact on animal health, well-being, environmental, and human health
  • Explore and develop new resources to support food animal research at the School of Veterinary Medicine